CSCI640 - Operating Systems
CSCI640 links
One Drive Shared Folder - Shared folder of lecture slides, and other materials.
GitHub - Version Control & Open Source Code Repository
Turnin - Primary method for submitting assignments.
BitBucket - Version Control Host for GIT or MERCURIAL (Education Accounts are Free)
Ubuntu - Distro of Linux I'll personally be using.
Xubuntu - Distro of Linux on the lab machines using the XFCE desktop environment
Dev Docs - Searchable documentation of many popular languages. Includes C documentation, which is what we'll be using primarily in this course. But great resource for all of you long term.
Atom Editor - Free "hackable" text editor from GitHub. Should be installed on the lab machines as well.
General Academic Email Etiquette - I'm fine with you calling me by my first name, but if you are going to use a salutation, make sure it's a correct one.
Piazza Discussion Board - We will be using Piazza for class discussion. The system is highly catered to getting you help fast and efficiently from classmates and myself. Rather than emailing questions directly to me, I encourage you to post your general questions on Piazza. Any questions that could violate the cheating policy if asked should be emailed directly to me. If you have any problems or feedback for the developers, email